Charlie believes in providing kids with opportunities for acomplishment and self fulfillment through survival skills. The modern experience can squash our innate gifts but nature can show us our full potential.
18 Years Earth Education Experience
Over 10 years teaching experience
13 Years in the medical field as a CNA, EMT, WFR
Background Check Passed
🎉Year of Joining: 2024
📅Availability: Fridays and Wednesdays
Homeschool Courses, Family Gatherings, Workshops
Charlie grew up in Utah with an avid outdoors family. What made her upbringing different was her family's generational cabin that thrived with a fresh water spring, no electricity and an outhouse. Charlie grew up hauling fresh water in buckets to the cabin, hiking, making willow branch bow and arrow toys for her and her brothers, and hunting every year. Her favorite job when her dad got the deer harvested was processing the animal. When she was 22 she worked for the Anasazi foundation in Arizona where she learned more about the primitive side of her upbringing. Making friction fire, cooking over an open fire, making shelters, making primitive jewelry, spinning and felting wool, Charlie's longest stint living in the woods was 3 weeks.
reading, journaling, learning, exploring, being a mother.
Favorite Outdoor Skills
fire, cooking, carving spoons, leather working, track, and scat identification, wool crafts, knitting, sewing and cord making.