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Erik Rasmussen - Founder

Erik started Making Tracks because after over 20 years in the industry he kept seeing the same problems everywhere he looked. He is passionate that these skills are the best way forward but wanted a community that would leave healthy tracks for future generations.

For Erik survival skills has always been the language that the Earth uses to speak to us. And teaching people how to speak that language has been his lifelong passion.


  • 20+ years of Earth Education Experience

  • 15+ years Teaching Experience

  • First Aid Certification

  • Wilderness First Aid

  • Wilderness First Responder

  • Background Check Passed

  • Fingerprinted

🎉Year of Joining: 2016

📅Availability: Monday-Friday


Homeschool, Family Gathering, Workshop, Corporate, Overnights


From a young age, Erik has had an affinity for the outdoors. He began his survival skills training at the ripe old age of 7. Although he attended public school he spent all his spare time in nature taking as many classes and studying as many topics as he could.

As he grew up, Erik learned fire by friction, arrowhead knapping, basketry, bowry, primitive pottery, tracking, bird language, edible and medicinal plants, and so much more.

At age thirteen, Erik had already been through almost every program available to him, so he began teaching. First, he assisted lead instructors, until he was of age to facilitate nature exploration classes for 20+ kids. He has since taught many classes in the Western United States.

But ever the student, he was still itching to learn more about how humans can connect with the land, so he enrolled at the University of Utah, achieving a Bachelor's in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, with an emphasis on Adventure and Outdoor Programs. Erik was inspired by one of his professors to do something about the problems facing the survival skills community and that's when the idea for Making Tracks emerged.

Erik keeps his Wilderness First Responder Certificate up to date and continues to educate himself in the ancestral arts while managing Making Tracks and providing as many opportunities to instructors and students as he can.


When Erik is not teaching, his first commitment is to his young daughter. He enjoys finding spending time building his emporium of plants and animals.

Favorite Outdoor Skills

Tracking, Bird Language, Basketry, and Flint knapping



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